Using our new ninja were mammoth skills, karate chop anything and everything.
Whoo, boy. That's not going to be good for her sense of well-being. Poor Misty...
4. Reg is now a nightcreature but won't know it for a good while. Gets up and looks around.
(Ninja) Weremammoth. We don't ask how a weremammoth got into those tunnels, just as we don't ask how it can be a ninja. It simply is.
4. Reg is now a nightcreature but won't know it for a good while. Gets up and looks around.
It's the scratch on her arm. Some werebeast bit her.
Let's vote what kind of werebeast bit her!
Poll, poll, poll!
Wait, weres can be almost anything, right?
Reg is now a Werechicken.
Seriously though, let's change her into a Weremonitor or similar. Kobolds look like humanoid lizards, right?

Oh, for the love of Stonetusk, it's not a were-anything!
You thought it was a particularly tough kobold at first,
but now that it's flung you through the air like a rag doll you're starting to think it might actually be a night troll-
> Be distracted by the fact that you don't have your sword.